Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Описание к видео Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram (or the LBRP) is a Western magical tradition of protection spell/ritual based on Kabbalah. LBRP is extremely useful to create a protection circle around your auric field to banish any and all negative influence, negative energies, and dark forces. LBRP uses sacred divine names of God in hebrew, which correspond to each elemental quarter (Air, Fire, Water, & Earth) to charge the blue flame pentagrams to banish all negative influence, negative energies, and dark forces. We also invoke and visualize the 4 archangels (Raphael, Mikael, Gabriel, and Auriel) of each quarter to guard / watch / protect your sacred space. These sacred circle formed with these magical ritual acts as an impenetrable barrier to unwanted unseen forces and influence. With practice, one may find other uses of what LBRP maybe able to additionally banish in your life.


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