Michel Debully

Описание к видео Michel Debully

Michel Debully

« I have discovered a new natural law, regarding the deconstruction of light, called the theory of the “quaternity of light”. »

Michel Debully, born in 1951 in Normandy, is French painter whose artistic approach incorporates abstract geometric art, concrete art and constructed art.
The theory of the quaternity of light
In 1980, Debully discovered a new natural law regarding the deconstruction of light in four colours, rather than six. By incorporating the techniques of different movements in geometric abstraction from the 20th century, including constructivism, Bauhaus, kinetic art, op art and many others, the artist creates compositions that play with this new division of light.

The invention of an IT tool
As a former graphic designer, Debully created his own IT tool, allowing him to produce an infinite number of visual solutions through the manipulation of shapes and colours. This tool is based on metaphysical themes like randomness (order and chaos) and synchronicity (time and space). After imagining the idea, the work’s “genetic code” is set up using this IT tool and the theory of colours. Finally, the work becomes a canvas painting or a limited edition print on paper.

An internationally exhibited theory and creation
Debully has already exhibited his work internationally in solo exhibitions in Italy and France, as well as in international contemporary art fairs, notably in New York, Miami, London, Brussels, Paris and Jiangsu.
Ernest Bloch
Schelomo, Hebrew Rhapsody for Cello & Orchestra , written in 1915-1916.
Orchestra: Utah Symphony Orchestra
- Conductor: Maurice Abravanel
- Soloist: Zara Nelsova (cello)
- Year of recording: 1967
July 7th 2024
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