What Is Your Ideal Man Or Woman? Here's What Americans On The Street Said In 1970

Описание к видео What Is Your Ideal Man Or Woman? Here's What Americans On The Street Said In 1970

This was a wonderful time to be a young documentary filmmaker.There weren't many jobs but if you were good enough and lucky enough, you could get a job working for the PBS show, American Dream Machine. It was quite radical at the time. And as one of the filmmakers they used, I didn't realize then how historical these social commentaries would become. Are things the same today? What do men want in a wife? What do women want in a husband? Remember that we were just coming out of the 1960s and the American women's movement hadn't yet reached most people. But it was about to. My experience with doing "man on the street" interviews today surprisingly, is not that dissimilar from what I experienced back then. When you ask a question, people tend to answer what they feel/think rather than developing a prepared response like politicians do. In fact, I am being interviewed fairly regularly these days and I find it most comfortable to just say what I think without editing it before speaking. This sometimes gets me into trouble but for the most part, I feel good having said how I feel and I hope that others accept my feelings and points of view without taking offense.


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