thornmdj - all that you are

Описание к видео thornmdj - all that you are

the all

seeming the worst and you may apply a consedention demand all that converts into the falsisity of not knowing anything .. about nor or anything ..

knowing that and you may also know your decisions are your own self demanding more from self ..

and it's illegitecy is your disassurancy .. at pathway knowing the future as such you may only know it runs in yourself that you are the action of dependency in me for legal service of your demanded blood run disorder .. of legal comparancy of what i did .. you may not think you stand yourself in that .. but the legaly of action is true for it's not my blood that recreates love is the valid reformance of the flourishing way of ' Third Part ' Valid Legal Work .. Cause you're In The 4d ( 4th Trading ) Demanding an anwser for the ' Third Part Trading ' in which you may not anwser me for it .. Even how much i've done for that cause ..

forced under my own reprecussion .. you may come to know i am only me in the service ..


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