Discussing the Crisis of Men and Boys Richard Reeves X George at TheTinMen

Описание к видео Discussing the Crisis of Men and Boys Richard Reeves X George at TheTinMen

Richard Reeves is a policy expert, and the President of the newly formed American Institute of Boys and Men.

His book, Of Boys and Men, which peers into the hidden truth of how far behind men and boys are in education and health, was a huge success; read across the world, and came widely recommended, even by former President Barack Obama himself.

Reeves was also recently awarded an unprecedented $20,000,000 by philanthropist Melinda French Gates, to be distributed by the AIBM in ways to enrich the lives of boys and men.

He is in many ways, leading the movement of men and boys advocacy, injecting such issues into the main stream in new and exciting ways – that is not without controversy.

Here is a conversation I had with Richard in September, that understands his work, his motives, his hopes and dreams, and his response to those who might question his methods.

You can see Richards work at https://aibm.org/

Subscribe to his Substack at https://ofboysandmen.substack.com/

Or by his book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Boys-Men-mod...


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