COROS vs LAB V02 MAX TEST - Surprisingly Different Results!

Описание к видео COROS vs LAB V02 MAX TEST - Surprisingly Different Results!

This really surprised me! I didn’t think my coros watch would be so different to the lab results. For today’s video I head back to the RunClinic and this time I’ve taking a V02 max test! Darcy explains how the test works, my results & why this test can be really beneficial for new runners 🏃🏻

I take you guys with me through the entire process, where you will get to see: How it works / Why it works & and How you can use the data to level up your training.

It’s about me going through this learning process with you guys and hopefully we can both get a better understanding and become better runners as a result.

Enjoy & thanks for watching 🙌🏻

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