EarthQuaker Devices Legacy Fuzz Pedals Comparison

Описание к видео EarthQuaker Devices Legacy Fuzz Pedals Comparison

A comparison of all of the discontinued EarthQuaker Devices fuzz pedals: Fuzz Master General, Sound Shank, Dirt Transmitter, Tone Reaper, Terminal, Bellows, a clone of the Black Ash by Craft Brewtal FX, Dream Catcher, and both the red and green channels of the Spires. Played on a Kiesel Zeus 8-string into a Deadbeat Sound Plackback looper with a Keeley Compressor Plus, ISP Deci-mate noise gate, into a Fractal FM3 using the 5F8 Tweed amp and York Audio DXVB 112 IR, Specular Tempus Reverb set to room, direct into Reaper, only post-processing is Waves L3-LL limiter. The pictures of the Spires are my actual pedal on the settings I recorded it with.

Update: I now own a real Black Ash, but comparing it side by side with the Craft Brewtal FX clone, it's basically identical. I have a couple other Black Ash clones that are close, but not quite the same. This one nails it. Luckily, this was the one I picked back when I made this video.

Also, I can't believe I forgot the Cloven Hoof! I have one permanently on my bass pedalboard.


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