Faisal Hills C block Site Visit | Faisal Hills C Block 7 Marla Plots | 7 Marla Investor Rate Plots

Описание к видео Faisal Hills C block Site Visit | Faisal Hills C Block 7 Marla Plots | 7 Marla Investor Rate Plots

In this video i have shared details regarding Latest Investment Of Faisal Hills and B17

Faisal hills B17 development speed is growing up. Construction of new Margalla road is the key development of Faisal Hills and B17 right now. Also main architechural beauties are near to finish. Its the best investment time in Faisal hills and B17

Stay tuned for Faisal Hill's and B17 upcoming new project.

Feel free to contact me in case or any queries and questions.

Jazak Allah

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