নারকেল গাছের ফল ঝরে পরা রোধে করণীয়Coconut Fruits Falling

Описание к видео নারকেল গাছের ফল ঝরে পরা রোধে করণীয়Coconut Fruits Falling

নারকেল গাছের ফল ঝরে পরা রোধে করণীয়

Most of the coconut buttons shed during the first two months after fertilisation of flowers.

1. Dropping Caused by Unfavourable Conditions.
2. Abscission, a Possible Cause for Shedding of Buttons.
3. Defective Pollination.
4. The fungus Phytophthora palmivora is also responsible for this.

Control Of dropping of coconut-
1. After two months, the bunch is judiciously thinned by cutting away the nuts that are observed to lag behind in general development and those that are found crowded in the bunch, thus providing sufficient space for development of the remaining nuts.
2. Fruit rot and fruit drop can be successfully controlled by spraying the bunches with 1% Bordeaux mixture to be effective, the treatment should be given during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods.
3. In addition to spraying, the crowns of the palms whether affected or not, should be given a thorough cleaning.
4. The shed nuts should also be collected then and there and burnt.


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