Generative Ambient Modular with Moog's Subharmonicon, the Disting EX and lush Strymon Starlab

Описание к видео Generative Ambient Modular with Moog's Subharmonicon, the Disting EX and lush Strymon Starlab

Tiny Living Rain - Bellis Perennis

Here's a generative ambient modular jam with Moog's Subharmonicon, the Disting EX and the lush Strymon Starlab.

The base chords come from the Subharmonicon while the high percussive notes come from the Disting EX's MultiSample algorithm. The slow high pitch swell comes from the Pittsburgh Modular Primary Oscillator through a uJove filter and the background soundscape is a dry sample going through the QuBit Data Blender.

I hope you enjoy :)


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