THeMIS - the industry standard of UGVs

Описание к видео THeMIS - the industry standard of UGVs

The THeMIS is a multipurpose tracked vehicle that can be equipped with other warfighting technology such as weapon systems, tethered drones, IED detection devices and much more. It has become the industry standard UGV sought out for various payload integration projects. Together with partners like Kongsberg, FN Herstal, MBDA, ST Engineering etc a dozen different systems have already been integrated. Live firing tests have been conducted with five different weapon systems, including an anti-tank missile launcher.

The THeMIS incorporates all the knowledge gained during tests held in the US, Europe, the Middle East and deployment in Mali in the French lead Operation Barkhane.

Our engineers have taken into account the feedback from different armed forces and carried it into the design creating a really robust and reliable tool to support dismounted troops.


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