Rhema Bible Training College: Class Audio

Описание к видео Rhema Bible Training College: Class Audio

Thank you for visiting RHEMA USA online!

College Weekend is an awesome opportunity for those interested in attending Rhema Bible Training College USA to learn more about the school and the surrounding area. Here at the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, this weekend was our regularly scheduled Spring College Weekend. However, due to current travel and proximity restrictions, the event has been postponed until the Fall. Although you can't come to College Weekend, we can bring College Weekend to you! We will be posting and broadcasting on our social media channels today, April 24, through Sunday, April 26. This will be a fun, interactive time where you will get a taste of what it's like to be a Rhema student. And we'll be sure to answer any questions you may have. We hope you enjoy this short video and join our live session today at 12pm and our Night of Worship tonight at 7pm! Tomorrow you can join our live session at 12pm and Sunday you can join our church service at 10am! Connect with us on Facebook (Rhema Bible Training College) and on Instagram (@rbtc_usa) and share this with at least one person you believe would benefit from coming to Rhema!

Would you like to partner with us to bring hope, help and healing to the world? Please visit Rhema.org/WPC

Here's how to connect with us:

Rhema Channel on ROKU: channelstore.roku.com/details/159022/rhema-usa
Rhema USA on Youtube:    / rhemausa  
Rhema Videos on Vimeo: vimeo.com/rhema

The Rhema App: subsplash.com/rhema/app

RBTC.org (Rhema Bible Training College)


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