
Описание к видео 20240820紅番薯粥魚香茄子洋蔥炒蛋美食料理【台基會訊】

#楊以仁牧師 #微型講道集 #台基會訊 #楊以仁專欄【台基會訊】Yang Yiren's Column【TCC Taiwan Foundation News】本會主張百分百的「言論自由」 (Freedom of speech) 行動主義者。信奉上帝「全知全能全在」統治宇宙萬有「治理無誤」。楊以仁牧師的先知講道?風格充滿酸甜苦辣鹹的個人預言。若你是身心靈幼稚又衛道之偽善者?不適宜聽講瀏覽,請速離開本頁限十八禁。作者:楊以仁牧師 (Rev. Steven I-Jen Yang) 影片連結:   • 20240820紅番薯粥魚香茄子洋蔥炒蛋美食料理【台基會訊】#楊以仁牧師 ...  

#yang #pastor #scripture #divination #tcc #taiwan #foundation #news #column 【TCC News】Yang Yiren's Column【TCC Taiwan Foundation News】This association advocates 100% " #freedom #speech " (Freedom of speech) Activism who. Believe that God is "omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent" who rules the universe and governs everything without error. Pastor Yang prophetic sermon? The style is filled with personal prophecies that are both bittersweet and salty. What if you are immature in body, mind and soul and a hypocrite who defends morality? It is not suitable for listening to lectures and browsing. Please leave this page immediately. It is restricted to 18 years. Author: Rev. Steven I-Jen Yang


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