Digital Enterprise - Empowering industry to sustainably produce sustainable products

Описание к видео Digital Enterprise - Empowering industry to sustainably produce sustainable products

Today’s manufacturing industry is being buffeted by multiple megatrends impacting consumers, including evolving energy sources as well as new sustainability requirements. For the manufacturing industry—which today produces 20% of global CO2 and 30% of the world’s energy consumption—these developments pose a significant challenge: How to reconcile consumers’ rising demand for high-quality, affordable, customized-and-individualized goods with rising cost pressures, interrupted supply chains, decarbonization demands, as well as increasingly scarce raw materials.

The key? Companies today can become true Digital Enterprises by using data more intelligently to combine the real and digital worlds. Siemens demonstrates how a unique combination of software, hardware, and services can help the industry harmoniously achieve the twin goals of sustainability and profitability at the same time. Using the example of an electric vehicle—like many other products and markets—Siemens presents its holistic approach using data and Digital Twins for Products, Production and Infrastructure for intelligent charging solutions, energy peak load optimization, as well as managing smart grids.

Find out more in this video and on


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