10 Steps to Running a Knockout Webinar

Описание к видео 10 Steps to Running a Knockout Webinar


The way we communicate and learn is changing! More and more people are taking webinars (classes online), and more and more people are using webinars to teach as well. Unfortunately, a lot of "in real life" teaching skills don't carry over very well to the webinar world, which is why this class was put together.

In this class you learn about the super-simple things you can do to make your webinar great. There are so many boring, terrible webinars out there that you definitely don't want to be another one. Watch this class and figure out what you can do to make your online classes better.

Oh, and speaking of teaching online, if you have genius you want to share, check out http://edufire.com - you can teach online, use our virtual classroom (just like the one you see in the video), and set your own prices. Power to the teacher, yo.

If you want to use webinars to learn something new as well, eduFire is an affordable way to do it. Also at http://edufire.com


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