Two MPP Students Share Why They Chose to Get a Master of Public Policy Degree

Описание к видео Two MPP Students Share Why They Chose to Get a Master of Public Policy Degree

Two MPP students, two different personal stories, one shared goal to make the world a better and more just place. Anna Hallahan MPP’24 was an analyst at the Dept. of Justice before coming to the Duke Sanford School of Public Policy for an advanced degree. Aysia Gilbert MPP’25 is interested in social justice, and is excited to be a part of the current cohort of students.

Both attended the Crown Lecture in Ethics with bestselling author Cal Newport (Why Can't I Focus? On Emails, Smartphones, and the Age of Distraction), and then sat down to talk about why they chose public policy and Duke Sanford.

Find out for about the top-ranked Duke Sanford Master of Public Policy degree:

The deadline to apply is January 5:

More about the Cal Newport talk:


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