Where can I practice System Design in the real world? Popular question with Chat-GPT response #1

Описание к видео Where can I practice System Design in the real world? Popular question with Chat-GPT response #1

This is the most asked question by software engineers and developers. Finding the right projects and groups is tricky for system design. Where can we practice through real-world applications?

Gaurav Sen discusses ways to practice system design in the real world. He suggests working on personal projects and contributing to open-source projects. He also mentions the importance of working on real-world problems. Gaurav gives CHAT-GPT a rating of 3 out of 5, noting that the best points are contributing to open source projects and working on personal projects but that the ideas of online hackathons and meetups are less practical. He suggests focusing on professional work and design reviews instead.

00:00 Intro
00:06 Chat-GPT answer
00:20 Personal side projects
00:36 Open source contributions
01:08 Study groups and meetups
01:57 Hackathons
02:49 Real-world problems
03:00 Rating
03:40 System Design at work
04:05 Open for discussion!


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