【国潮音乐】新年庙会 | Relax with Chinese New Year music | Chinese festival music

Описание к видео 【国潮音乐】新年庙会 | Relax with Chinese New Year music | Chinese festival music

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Different from traditional music, blend traditional and modern music styles, relax in Chinese Spring Festival music

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#Spring Festival music #chinese new year music #过年音乐#年味#春节音乐#中国年音乐#中国风音乐#新年大吉#新年快乐#国潮音乐#新年庙会#農曆新年#過年音樂#春節音樂#新年音樂#中國新年音樂
Musician: 刻兰 (独立音乐人 ) 曲名: 新年庙会

☛Music Promotion

If you want to suggest music to me or submit a request to promote your music, contact me~
►Email: [email protected]



►All rights belong to their respective owners.
If any owner of track/background used in this mix is unhappy, feel free to contact me:
[email protected]


❤Keep Calm & Relax❤


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