DIY Ebike S01E03: Home-made Torque arm for front hub motor

Описание к видео DIY Ebike S01E03: Home-made Torque arm for front hub motor

Third video in this Ebike series. This time I'm making a torque arm to prevent the axle from being spun out damaging the motor or breaking the fork. Installing a torque arm for a hub motor should be one of the first thing you should do to protect yourself and your motor. Almost all commercially available torque arm I find online are 2 or 3-piece torque arms. There are too many moving parts and they fail frequently. When they do fail, all hell breaks loose, literally. I don't want that to happen to me so I went ahead and made my own single-piece torque arm.
Here's the link to the video to a failed torque arm from another person posted on Youtube:    • MAC eBike motor axle spinout repair  


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