Polyimide tape offgassing on EDIT Convector/Fenix/Utillian 720/Titanic 2/Tsunami Eruption vaporizer

Описание к видео Polyimide tape offgassing on EDIT Convector/Fenix/Utillian 720/Titanic 2/Tsunami Eruption vaporizer

Nothing major really, just demonstrating what polyimide tape does, when heated. It is always advised, to "burn off" (run empty on max heat) your vaporizer few times at least before actually inhaling through. In this particular model the path of air intake is closed with about a 98% efficiency, so not much to worry - as of 2016 September, this is by far the most efficient and well thought design I saw in vapes from the China market. The ~50$ price margin makes it a no-brainer also, a very safe and enjoyable entry vape indeed. But polyimide tapes with adhesives in airpath (or in this case: close to it) soon should be banned, promoting its disadvantages in direct inhalation devices is the reason of this video.
For more, go and see my post about it here:



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