IICS:Mapping example with a Normalizer and Aggregator Transformation

Описание к видео IICS:Mapping example with a Normalizer and Aggregator Transformation

#iics #etlguru #antosh
IICS:Mapping example with a Normalizer and Aggregator Transformation

A relational table includes the quarterly unit sales for each store. To calculate the annual unit sales for each store, use a Normalizer transformation to create a row for each quarter. Then, use an Aggregator transformation to aggregate the quarterly sales for each store.

The source data includes the following rows:
StoreNo   Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4 Year
1001      30   50   48   80 2014
1022     100  120  125  140 2014
1190      80  108  123  134 2014

The task writes the following data to the target:
StoreNo   AnnualSalesbyStore
1001       208
1022       485   
1190       445


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