广东普宁潮汕菜,乡村大排档老店,蒸膏蟹海参煲,阿星吃胶罗钱Rural Chaoshan Cuisine in Puning, Guangdong

Описание к видео 广东普宁潮汕菜,乡村大排档老店,蒸膏蟹海参煲,阿星吃胶罗钱Rural Chaoshan Cuisine in Puning, Guangdong

Yushantou Village is an ordinary village in Puning, Guangdong. Yushan Restaurant next to the county road is very popular. Although it feels like a rural food stall, the Chaoshan dishes produced are very authentic. Various dishes are spread out and displayed, and the selection of dishes is made and processed in one go. There are many special steamed dishes with light and delicious taste, as well as Chaoshan special dessert Jiaoluoqian.


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