Tithing When You Can't Afford it | Are Christians Commanded to Tithe

Описание к видео Tithing When You Can't Afford it | Are Christians Commanded to Tithe

Does the Bible command a tithe of ten percent? Is a Christian even commanded to tithe in the New Testament? What if I can’t afford to give a tithe?
In this episode of the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell talks with us about tithing and explains where the idea of the tithe of ten percent comes from. He directs us to the Old Testament where we can read of Israel (the Nation), God’s people under the Mosaic Covenant, being commanded to give tithes and offerings. He explains that their required tithing would have been somewhere closer to thirty percent not ten. He then goes on to say, that when looking at the New Testament, he does not see the command to tithe given to the church.
He further explains that even though the command to tithe is not repeated to the church, some of the principles in the tithe are still found in the kind of giving New Testament believers are to be engaged in. Examples he will give and expound on will be that we should be motivated by the grace of God, have a desire and willingness from a heart of worship, and a love for God, that our giving should be sacrificial and proportional. He also helps us think through giving when our resources are tight by asking us questions that we should take to heart.
Other questions that Pastor Caldwell answers in this episode include: Is giving of my time and service an appropriate form of giving? What happens with the money we give to the church and who makes those decisions? and What if I don’t have a desire to give?
Scripture references that are specifically discussed in this episode on giving come from the following passages: 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9.


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