Four most important historical mosques in Kazakhstan

Описание к видео Four most important historical mosques in Kazakhstan

The construction of mosques in Kazakhstan has increased markedly after its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, culminating in the last decade.
The country has four prominent and important historical mosques.
The first is the mosque of “Khalwa” in the city of “Turkistan”, symbolizing the Kazakh poet “Ahmad Yesui” who lived his life in the mosque’s basement.
The second is the mosque of "Abdullah Ishan" in the village "Usharal" in the province of Jambil, and dates back to the 17th century and recorded in the historical and cultural monuments.
The third is the mosque and school of "Abdul Qadir" in the city "Taraz" in the same province, which was demolished in the third decade of the last century and then rebuilt, becoming a historical mosque.
The fourth is the “Tin Ebay Mosque” built by the merchant “Tin Ebay Kaukinov” from wood.


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