DK Jayaraman | Raga Udayaravichandrika | Ente Nerchina

Описание к видео DK Jayaraman | Raga Udayaravichandrika | Ente Nerchina

Ente Nerchina Ente Juchina
Raga - Udayaravichandrika / Talam - Deshaadi / Composer - Thyagaraja

enta nErcina enta jUcina enta vAralaina kAnta dAsulE

santatambu shrIkAnta svAnta siddhAnta maina mArga cinta lAni vAr-

parahimsa para bhAmAnya dhana para mAnavapa vAda
para j vanamulaka nrtamE bhASinchErayya tyAgarAjanuta

No matter how (enta) erudite (nErcina) one is and how much (enta) one has observed (jUcina) (the World), and howsoever high and mighty one be (enta vAralaina), all are slaves (dAsulE) of women (kAnta).

Those (vAru) who do not (lEni) always (santatambu) have the thought (cinta) of the established (siddhAntamaina) path (mArga) of Lord vishNu – the beloved (kAnta) of lakshmI (SrI) – being one's Indweller (svAnta), no matter how erudite one is and how much one has observed the World, and howsoever high and mighty one be, are slaves of women.

Meaning: O Lord (ayya) praised (nuta) by this tyAgarAja! People speak (bhAshincEru) (bhashincErayya) only untruth (anRtamE) for – causing injury (himsa) to others (para), coveting others’ (para) wives (bhAma) and others’ (anya) (bhAmAnya) wealth (dhana), speaking ill (apavAda) of other (para) people (mAnava) (mAnavApavAda), and for dependence on others (para) for their subsistence (jIvana) etc (Adulaku) (jIvanAdulakanRtamE); no matter how erudite one is and how much one has observed the World, and howsoever high and mighty one be, all are slaves of women.


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