Movie: Zebrafish embryonic development at single cell resolution

Описание к видео Movie: Zebrafish embryonic development at single cell resolution

Fengzhu Xiong, Sean Megason (Harvard Medical School)
See also
This movie provides a single-cell resolution top view of a developing zebrafish embryo from 2-cell stage to 24 hours post fertilization (hpf). Movie is a continous sequence of 700 images with time stamp (unit:hours and minutes post fertilization) at 7 frame/second. Each image is a 3D projection of a Z-stack (210μm deep) of confocal slices (600μm in height and width), taken with confocal microscope (Objective: 20X) at 2 minute time intervals continuously. Cell membranes were labeled with membrane targeted yellow fluorescent protein (colored cyan in the movie) and cell nucleus with histone2B tagged red fluorescent protein (colored yellow in the movie). This movie allows researchers to follow the cell divisions and movements, as well as changes of cell shapes, in a systematic fashion.


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