Aerodynamic simulation of the LAGOON 1 landing gear using ProLB - Wall pressure fluctuations

Описание к видео Aerodynamic simulation of the LAGOON 1 landing gear using ProLB - Wall pressure fluctuations

Pressure fluctuations recorded on the surface of the LAGOON#1 Landing Gear. Mach number = 0.23 Re_D= 1.541 x 10⁶ (Reynolds number based on the wheel diameter D = 0.3 m) High-frequency recordings enable accurate spectral analysis and a deep insight into the aerodynamically-generated noise sources.

The simulations are performed using ProLB, a software suite based on the lattice Boltzmann method (

For more details about the simulation, please check the following technical article:

A. Sengissen, J.-C. Giret, C. Coreixas, and J.-F. Boussuge. “Simulations of LAGOON landing gear noise using Lattice Boltzmann solver”. In 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Paper 2015-2993, Dallas, USA. June 22-26, 2015. The LAGOON (LAnding-Gear nOise database for CAA validatiON) project is supported by Airbus and ONERA.

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