ProGaming - Hearthstone, Cyclone Mage(10) vs Mech Hunter(10) by ClearSpot and NEONricochet, Ranked - Standard (2019-07-25)
No Commentary Pro Gaming
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Cards: Mecharoo, Tracking, Bomb Toss, Fireworks Tech, Galvanizer, Upgradeable Framebot, Venomizer, SN1P-SN4P, Spider Bomb, Unleash the Hounds, Ursatron, Explodinator, Replicating Menace, Leeroy Jenkins, Wargear, Zilliax, Missile Launcher, Elemental Evocation, Magic Trick, Mirror Image, Ray of Frost, Doomsayer, Frostbolt, Khadgar, Mana Cyclone, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Arcane Intellect, Banana Buffoon, Conjurer's Calling, Frost Nova, Stargazer Luna, Sandbinder, Archmage Antonidas, Sea Giant, Mountain Giant
#Hearthstone #Blizzard #HSReplay #LetsPlay #TheGamerBay #ESports #NoCommentary #ProGaming #CycloneMage #MechHunter #ClearSpot #NEONricochet #RankedStandard #Mecharoo #Tracking #BombToss #FireworksTech #Galvanizer #UpgradeableFramebot #Venomizer #SN1PSN4P #SpiderBomb #UnleashtheHounds #Ursatron #Explodinator #ReplicatingMenace #LeeroyJenkins #Wargear #Zilliax #MissileLauncher #ElementalEvocation #MagicTrick #MirrorImage #RayofFrost #Doomsayer #Frostbolt #Khadgar #ManaCyclone #SorcerersApprentice #ArcaneIntellect #BananaBuffoon #ConjurersCalling #FrostNova #StargazerLuna #Sandbinder #ArchmageAntonidas #SeaGiant #MountainGiant
Battle Log:
Turn 1: ClearSpot
ClearSpot draws [Upgradeable Framebot]
ClearSpot mulligans a card
NEONricochet draws [Doomsayer]
NEONricochet steals [Doomsayer]
ClearSpot draws [Wargear]
ClearSpot plays [Mecharoo]
ClearSpot steals [Mecharoo] using [Mecharoo]
Turn 1: NEONricochet
NEONricochet ends their turn
NEONricochet draws [Frostbolt]
NEONricochet steals [Frostbolt]
Turn 2: ClearSpot
ClearSpot ends their turn
ClearSpot draws [Mecharoo]
ClearSpot plays [Upgradeable Framebot]
ClearSpot steals [Upgradeable Framebot] using [Upgradeable Framebot]
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
Turn 2: NEONricochet
NEONricochet ends their turn
NEONricochet steals [Banana Buffoon]
NEONricochet draws [Banana Buffoon]
NEONricochet plays [Magic Trick]
NEONricochet receives [Arcane Explosion]
Turn 3: ClearSpot
ClearSpot ends their turn
ClearSpot draws a card
ClearSpot uses [Steady Shot]
[Steady Shot] damages [Jaina Proudmoore] for 2
ClearSpot plays [Mecharoo]
ClearSpot steals [Mecharoo] using [Mecharoo]
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
[Upgradeable Framebot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Upgradeable Framebot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
Turn 3: NEONricochet
NEONricochet ends their turn
NEONricochet draws [Sandbinder]
NEONricochet steals [Sandbinder]
NEONricochet plays [Banana Buffoon]
NEONricochet receives [Bananas]
NEONricochet receives [Bananas]
Turn 4: ClearSpot
ClearSpot ends their turn
ClearSpot draws [Bomb Toss]
ClearSpot uses [Steady Shot]
[Steady Shot] damages [Jaina Proudmoore] for 2
ClearSpot plays [Bomb Toss] targeting [Banana Buffoon]
ClearSpot steals [Bomb Toss] using [Bomb Toss]
[Bomb Toss] damages [Banana Buffoon] for 2
a card summons [Goblin Bomb]
[Upgradeable Framebot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Banana Buffoon] dies
[Upgradeable Framebot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
Turn 4: NEONricochet
NEONricochet ends their turn
NEONricochet steals [Stargazer Luna]
NEONricochet draws [Stargazer Luna]
NEONricochet plays [Arcane Explosion]
[Arcane Explosion] damages [Mecharoo] for 1
[Arcane Explosion] damages [Upgradeable Framebot] for 1
[Arcane Explosion] damages [Mecharoo] for 1
[Arcane Explosion] damages [Goblin Bomb] for 1
[Mecharoo] dies
[Mecharoo] dies
[Arcane Explosion] summons [Jo-E Bot]
[Arcane Explosion] summons [Jo-E Bot]
NEONricochet plays [Doomsayer]
Turn 5: ClearSpot
ClearSpot ends their turn
ClearSpot draws [Bomb Toss]
ClearSpot plays [Venomizer]
ClearSpot steals [Venomizer] using [Venomizer]
[Goblin Bomb] gains +2 health from a card
ClearSpot steals [Venomizer]
[Goblin Bomb] attacks [Doomsayer]
[Goblin Bomb] attacks [Doomsayer] for 2
ClearSpot plays [Bomb Toss] targeting [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Doomsayer] dies
ClearSpot steals [Bomb Toss] using [Bomb Toss]
[Bomb Toss] damages [Jaina Proudmoore] for 2
a card summons [Goblin Bomb]
[Upgradeable Framebot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Upgradeable Framebot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
Turn 5: NEONricochet
NEONricochet ends their turn
NEONricochet draws [Mountain Giant]...
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