Lhokuthu Bheriti Sheqheni -Ahoni (Official )

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Lhokuthu Bheriti Sheqheni...
Ilokivishi ixakulu ju ithuluni, Bheriti eno xaluve kemiqo phughilo, ixine ghimeqo kumtsu pa-ulo qhivetsuni, lhokuthu Bheriti Sheqheni.

Ch.: Niye pa Sheqhenike lhovemo, niye kungumi ngo Seraphim gholo ngo nani, tileye ni ghungu kulhokiqhi chekeu a, lhokuthu Bheriti Sheqheni.

Bheritiji mekusho quluve kemiye, lhokuthu lovi xakulu shipili nani, panonguye ghiche ghime sholumo nani, lhokuthu Bheriti Sheqe nani.

Lhokuthu ni kimiye chekemiqo sasu, pa shipili kiqheu akijeu lejo phe nani, akimthe kimthe pi inaqhe Vela kumtsu lhokuthu Bheriti Sheqhe nani


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