Best Mix For Render…FULL GUIDE | Get The PERFECT Mix For Rendering

Описание к видео Best Mix For Render…FULL GUIDE | Get The PERFECT Mix For Rendering

In this Video we'll show you how to get the best mix for render. This is a massive question that gets asked all of the time and it's very crucial to your success with rendering.

Which is why I'm going to go into great detail on how to get the best mix in rendering. I'm going to show you:

The best ratio of sand cement for the perfect mix
The reason why you have 2 coats of render
My secret recipe for the perfect mix
The reason why you should use Hydrated Lime...and when to use it
The different ways you can mix render
The big exception to the perfect mix and when to use it
The biggest mistake you can make when mixing render and the consequences you'll face if you get this wrong

And mucho, mucho more!

We're going to go into detail on how to get the perfect mix in rendering. The mix is probably the most important stage to rendering a wall because getting it wrong will lead to complete DISASTER!!

So make sure you watch the video completely because there's some massive lessons to be learnt here!

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Thank you for watching. I'll see you on the next one ;)

Blaine Gray,
Plastering For Beginners


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