Signs - Song

Описание к видео Signs - Song

Playing around with AI tools creating music inspired by famous movies.

In a quiet town, where the cornfields grow,
A shadow falls, and the fear does show.
Graham Hess stands, with a questioning mind,
Seeking answers, in the signs he finds.

With a family close, and the faith he’s lost,
He battles the fears, and the lines they’ve crossed.
In the crop circles, and the whispers' breath,
He faces the unknown, and the looming death.

Under alien skies, where the secrets hide,
They search for hope, with love as their guide.
Through the night’s cold stare, and the terror’s rise,
They hold on tight, under alien skies.

With Merrill’s strength, and the children’s fears,
They face the darkness, and the silent tears.
In the farmhouse old, where the past still lives,
They find the courage, and the heart that gives.

From the basement’s depth, to the rooftop high,
They stand together, as the end draws nigh.
In the radio’s crackle, and the TV’s glare,
They feel the presence, in the still night air.

Under alien skies, where the secrets hide,
They search for hope, with love as their guide.
Through the night’s cold stare, and the terror’s rise,
They hold on tight, under alien skies.

In the midst of fear, where the faith is tested,
Graham finds the signs, in the places he’s bested.
With the water’s touch, and the swing so true,
They fight the unknown, with the love they knew.

In the final stand, where the truth reveals,
They face the invaders, with their hearts as shields.
With a father’s love, and a brother’s might,
They claim their victory, in the fading light.

From the darkest hour, to the dawn’s new breath,
They find their strength, in life and death.
In the tale of fear, and the hope that binds,
They see the signs, in the clearest minds.

Under alien skies, where the secrets hide,
They search for hope, with love as their guide.
Through the night’s cold stare, and the terror’s rise,
They hold on tight, under alien skies.


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