VIPKid: Top 10 Must Have Props

Описание к видео VIPKid: Top 10 Must Have Props

Props are a big part of our teaching with VIPKid. These are my 10 favorite props to use while teaching with VIPKid! You don't have to spend a ton of money on props. Many of these are printed or found around your home.

Overall: Use flexible props that can be used for multiple lessons.

For more help, please visit my website,

If you have not applied yet, please use this link to apply:

If you've already applied and did not use a referral code or link, I can help you more if you add my code to your application. You can do so by going on the VIPKID website where you signed up (the portal) and clicking on "My Account" in the top right corner. There is a place there to add a code from a referring teacher. Please enter code PENNY0008 (Penny zero zero zero 8).

If you already used a referral code or link but they are not helping you, you can't switch but you can create a new account. Use a new email address and phone number and my link so I can help you!

As my referral, you get my personalized help, access to private coaching sessions and to the exclusive VIPKID Bootcamp on my website with extensive training materials to help you through the process.

Once you apply with my link or add my code, please email me at [email protected] so I can send you the information to help you through the process. VIPKid no longer shares your email address with me so you have to email me.

Other videos to help you:
What is VIPKid and how do I get hired?
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VIPKid: How are you paid and how to get the highest salary
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VIPKID: Live, Recorded, Smart Demo, or Fast Pass (updated with the latest changes)
   • VIPKID: Live, Recorded, Smart Demo, o...  

New Simplified Demo instructions
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New Simplified Demo, just the slides
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The New Smart Demo
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Videos for the Certification Center Lower Level Mock classes:
Lesson A -    • VIPKID New Combined Level 2 and 3 Les...  
Lesson B -    • VIPKID: New Combined Level 2 and 3 Le...  
Interactive Classroom tour -    • VIPKID: Interactive Classroom Tour  
Lower Level Lesson Objectives video -   • VIPKID Lower Level Mock Class Lesson ...  

Videos for the Certification Center Intermediate Level Mock classes (levels 4 & 5):
My Country -    • VIPKID Certification Center Intermedi...  
Earth: Our Home -    • VIPKID Certification Center Intermedi...  

VIPKID 6+ Tips for getting hired by VIPKID
   • VIPKID 6+ Tips for Getting Hired  

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