Farmer forced to cull 'Nazi' cattle

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"A farmer in Devon has been forced to slaughter half his herd of Heck cows after they repeatedly tried to attack his farm workers.
Farmer Derek Gow said that the Heck cow descended from cattle specifically bred by Nazi scientists between the world wars. The Heck cow was renowned for its fearsome horns and extremely aggressive nature.
Fearing for his life, Mr Gow said that he had no choice but to destroy 20 of his most aggressive cattle."

Source/Credits: BBC

Heck cattle was bred by Nazis as propaganda tools. In the 1930s, Nazi second in command Hermann Goering asked geneticists Heinz and Lutz Heck to re-create the extinct species. A keen hunter, Goering instructed them to develop a genetically engineered species by back-breeding from auroch descendants.

The Heck brothers – working independently - crossed Spanish fighting bulls with Highland cattle, along with primitive breeds from Corsica and Hungary. The result – Nazi super cows. They were used for propaganda material during WWII – their bodies were huge and muscular, with massive horns – an illustration of the strength of the party.

Heck cattle originated in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s in an attempt to breed back domestic cattle to their ancestral form: the aurochs (Bos primigenius primigenius). In the first years of the Weimar Republic, the brothers Heinz and Lutz Heck independently started their extensive breeding-back programmes. Heinz was the director of the Hellabrunn Zoological Gardens in Munich and Lutz of the Berlin Zoological Gardens. Only twelve respectively eleven years later, just as the Weimar Republic was drawing to a close, they each announced their success. Both brothers used a different selection of cattle breeds in their breeding-back attempts. For example, Lutz Heck (Berlin) used Spanish fighting bulls, while Heinz (Munich) did not. The Berlin breed seemingly did not survive the Second World War, so all modern Heck cattle go back to the experiments of Heinz Heck in Munich. Those ancestral breeds include:



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