Exhaust notes 2015 HSV GEN-F Senator Signature stock VS Difilippo (HD)

Описание к видео Exhaust notes 2015 HSV GEN-F Senator Signature stock VS Difilippo (HD)

This footage demonstrates the difference between a gen-f HSV stock exhaust and a difilippo before making your purchase.

Please note the clicking sound in this footage is the bi modal valves opening and closing which I opted to refit.


Difilippo Big Boy Exhaust
Headers are 4 into 1's with 1 7/8 inch primary and built in slip-on merge
3 inch Hi-flow stainless steel cats are a 200 cell
Dual 3 inch straight through centre Mufflers are built with an x pipe
3 inch rear Mufflers are straight through, they have a dual 2 inch outlet
Factory bi modal refitted

Thanks For Watching
Stay tuned for more footage between the two exhausts and there sounds on takeoff.


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