Jack Kuykendall & Moe Norman: The Fire Side Chat - April 1995 - Pine Needles Golf Course

Описание к видео Jack Kuykendall & Moe Norman: The Fire Side Chat - April 1995 - Pine Needles Golf Course

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Over 500,000 golfers have watched FireSide chats 1,2 and 3 videos on my site. This posting is the combining of all three into one video. If you are a Moe Norman fan, it will be one of the best insights you will ever get of the REAL Moe Norman.

Moe Norman Was My Friend – The Fireside Chat – April 1995
Pine Needles – North Carolina

The day started with a two-hour clinic for Peggy Kirk Bell, her staff and students. The afternoon was shooting several hours of detailed Video of Moe’s mechanics. After dinner, Jack & Moe sat down by the fire place and had a chat which lasted for about an hour.

The video provides an insight into Moe Norman. Jack & Moe had traveled together and performed clinics for about two years (1993 to 1995). During the time, Jack listened to Moe’s many stories and poems. During the fireside chat, Jack just kept asking Moe to express his many stories and poems so future generations of golfers could see into the mind of the Greatest Ball Striker to ever live.

Comments of note on the video:
: What’s the longest walk in golf?
: Mind is a generator – Body is a motor – Clubhead is the trigger – Ball is a
: You are what you thing you are
: What is happiness
: Perfect grip – Lifeline of the right hand – Never in the fingers
: My Little Robot
: Buckle – Sit – Slide – Bump: Stabilize – Energize – Contain – Release
: Losers live in classic style, in the never land called someday I’ll, Winners
: A good golfer is----:
: Have an alert attitude of indifference
: Under lost and found: 24 carat golden day
: Broken window at age 11: But dad, I hit the bulls-eye
: Carpenter and palm grip: Fingers are live, palms are dead

Email: [email protected] for personal communication with Jack
Website: KGgolf.net
Jack Kuykendall Golf's #1 Scientific Teacher.
Golf Magazine T100 1996 to 2003.


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