MrLion India | Where Are You? Extreme Camouflage Hide and Seek | Cartoon for Kids

Описание к видео MrLion India | Where Are You? Extreme Camouflage Hide and Seek | Cartoon for Kids

Time to make a masterpiece
Well it’s time to try, at least
I think i’ll paint another one
On the wall might be more fun
Yes a painting on the wall
Lion cub you big goofball!
No no, don’t paint here
Go paint somewhere else my dear
Please go outside and play
Stay out of trouble now, okay?
I don’t want to play outside
Lion cub rushes back inside
Using tools so i can reach
The house looks like the beach
Now the water and the sky
Then its back inside to spy
And it isn’t very long
Before dad see’s something wrong
Where’s the house? Call 911
Ah i lost my house and son!
I’ll give daddy a big scare
My house should be right there
Humm now let me see
Have you tried to use the key?
I will give that a try
You’re in trouble lion guy!
The house looks really great
I have something, just you wait
Lion cub, paint some more
Work your magic on this store
Painting shops is way more fun
And with that, this one is done
Gotta run!


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