Painting 1/72 austrophile War of the Spanish Succession infantry for miniature wargames

Описание к видео Painting 1/72 austrophile War of the Spanish Succession infantry for miniature wargames

Minairons Miniatures 1/72 Austrophile Infantry of the Line & Austrophile Infantry command, belonging to the War of the Spanish Succession (July 1701 – 11 September 1714)

While I prepare another ship and battles, I wanted to experiment something new; my first 1/72 figures test. My intention is to play them in skirmish games. Please can you suggest rules? I don't have anything in mind, I just had the figures in the drawer and decided to do something useful with them, at least it helps me practice.

I think it can be improved, please give me your comments.

General Deputation Infantry Regiment
«Regiment de la Diputació del General»
Traditionally raised and funded by the Catalonia’s General Deputation, also known as Generalitat (a permanent committee of the Catalan Parliament, or Corts), either at king’s request or by its own. It numbered some 600 men in 8 companies –one of which, of grenadiers.
Raised in 1705 to support Archduke Charles’ claim to the throne. Staying inside Barcelona at first, some of its companies were deployed in Castellciutat fortress (1707), others were sent to secure and defend Cardona fortress during Prats de Rei battle (1711), while the remainder defended Barcelona, incurring heavy losses in the final 1713-1714 campaign.

Thanks to Minairons Miniatures who provided me with the miniatures for this video.
#miniaturepainting #miniaturewargaming


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