Governor Jack Lamb speaks after BOMBING Cayo Perico

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My fellow San Andreans,

Yesterday, Cayo Perican forces infiltrated our territory, kidnapped a member of the National Guard, and shoved him out of a plane without a parachute. Cayo Perican forces also sent their agents into our territory to murder a defector of theirs.

This all follows a well-documented attack by Cayo Perico 2 weeks ago when they launched a missile into our seas, right above my yacht, endangering my life and hundreds of San Andreans.

My fellow citizens, we cannot allow this to continue. Can a sovereign state really be sovereign if its boundaries are constantly violated, if its citizens are constantly in danger? We pride ourselves on our superior morality, about how we, San Andreans, value peace over war, treaties over violence and murder, but at some point we have to recognize that it is these very traits that our enemies seek to exploit, use them to take advantage of us.

So, I am done letting them get away with their terroristic actions.

Today, I led an operation to deal a significant blow to the Cayo Perican regime. I ordered the National Guard to bomb and destroy Cayo Perico’s overseas transportation abilities. The National Guard destroyed Cayo Perico’s air fleet, including nearly all their planes and their airport, as well as all their boats, ports, and other means of sea travel.

The reason behind this strike is twofold: (1) to temporarily disable Cayo Perico’s ability to send their agents into San Andrean territory, and (2) to show the Cayo Perican administration that we are done playing around.

Presidente Gomez, if you wish to maintain power over your dictatorial poverty-stricken regime, I suggest that you direct your armed forces to stop terrorizing San Andreas immediately. If not, I will unleash San Andreas’ full military force against your island. Your regime will not survive, and neither will you. Don’t ever mess with San Andreas again, or else.


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