The Best Thief In The World || Gacha Meme || Gacha Life || 가챠라이프 [ Original? ]

Описание к видео The Best Thief In The World || Gacha Meme || Gacha Life || 가챠라이프 [ Original? ]

Hello, my Lil DBs!!
Thank you so much for watching my video!!💕

I don't know if I should call this video a meme or Glmm/Glm but... I spend a lot of time working on this video for you guys to enjoy it!!

Alrylix (Tiktok)
- ‪@alpergold0‬

FW: There are flashes in this video
Tiny tiny tiny ketchup

I took over 1300+ screenshots to make this video ❤️
Please tell me if the words are too slow or too fast. I am trying my best to match the speed of your guys’ reading 🤗💗

Some of the questions you ask me:
Q: Are you Korean?
A: Yes, I was born in the US but my parents are Korean so I basically have two nationalities

Q: which app did you use?
A: it's always in the description!! 👀

Q: why did I get banned from your discord server!
A: Please read the rules before chatting on my discord server 🥲 + My server is only for the 13+ age group (Discord rule)

Q: Do you have roblox?
A: Yes, I do! My username is Devil_BonaDB

17:47 mistake...... 🥲

[ I’ll try to answer more questions if I find it ]

(messy + weird video)


*This video might get deleted ❌

You guys can follow me on Mascot too!! [ad]

Take a look at my store below.
[ 100% of earnings from this store is going to be donated to charity. ]

Discord server🔗:
  / discord  

Open chatting KakaoTalk Server Link 🔗:

Instagram Link✨:

DB Shop❤️:


gacha life
gacha club
Alight Motion

my dead right hand R.I.P


#gacha #gachalife #gachaclub #gachameme #viral #original #gachapov #devilbona #gachaedit #sitifyouarerealmeme #Revenge #thebestthiefintheworldmeme #thebestthiefintheworldmemegacha #memes #meme #gcmv #glmv #gcmm #glmm #gcm #glm #sitifyouarerealmemegacha #가챠라이프 #가챠클럽 #가챠 #데빌보나 #bad #long #rip


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