Bank Robbery Assault Scene - S.W.A.T. (2003) Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell

Описание к видео Bank Robbery Assault Scene - S.W.A.T. (2003) Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell

S.W.A.T. Movie Clip - Bank Robbery Assault (2003) | Buy or rent the Movie here ➤ | Subscribe ➤ | More
Hondo Harrelson recruits Jim Street to join an elite unit of the Los Angeles Police Department. Together they seek out more members, including tough Deke Kay and single mom Chris Sanchez. The team's first big assignment is to escort crime boss Alex Montel to prison. It seems routine, but when Montel offers a huge reward to anyone who can break him free, criminals of various stripes step up for the prize.

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