【高達刻線心得】刻線佈局複製流程 | 一個圓規就完事?! | Panel line pattern copy | 1 Compass can HANDLE ALL!!

Описание к видео 【高達刻線心得】刻線佈局複製流程 | 一個圓規就完事?! | Panel line pattern copy | 1 Compass can HANDLE ALL!!

千辛萬苦做好一個自己超滿意的佈局刻線之後 又要走向另外一個地獄 - 複件地獄 今次的分享介紹只用一個工具 - 圓規 就可以將無論幾複雜的佈局刻線都可以複製去第二件上面 希望都可以做到一個有用嘅參考畀大家
After millions of brain cells are dead, you came up with a super cool panel line pattern. And now here is the 2nd hell - pattern copying. In this video i will introduce how to use ONLY 1 TOOL - COMPASS to completely copy the panel line onto another kit. Hope this will be a good reference.
FB:   / studiofohk  
IG:   / studio_fo_hk  
youtube channel:    / yoken125  

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