Zoom vs Bronze Tiger (Ending) | Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay

Описание к видео Zoom vs Bronze Tiger (Ending) | Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay

Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (2018)
Zoom vs Bronze Tiger (Ending)
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay playlist: https://goo.gl/cRCsGe

Storyline: Task Force X targets a powerful mystical object that they will risk their lives to steal.

Director: Sam Liu
Cast: Christian Slater (Deadshot), Vanessa Williams (Amanda Waller), Billy Brown (Bronze Tiger), Kristin Bauer van Straten (Killer Frost), Gideon Emery (Copperhead), Liam McIntyre (Captain Boomerang), Tara Strong (Harley Quinn), David Boat (Harvey Dent / Two-Face / Thug #2), Dave Fennoy (Blockbuster / Tobias Whale / Black Manta / Police Officer), Greg Grunberg (Steel Maxum), C. Thomas Howell (Zoom)...

DC Comics
Warner Bros.


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