DONT KiSS A FROG!! Valentine’s Day family challenge with Adley & Niko! Hidden Hearts! Pancake Art!

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Valentines mini games with Mom and Dad ❤❤❤❤


HEY EVERYBODY!!It's that time of year again where we can do one of my favorite things... VALENTINE'S CHALLENGES!! And this year I'm really excited because Niko is old enough to join us!! Our family was so ready to do all of these new challenges! We taped up mystery hearts on our wall that had the challenges on them and Niko and I took turns picking them out! Some of the challenges included love birds where we had to throw birds on hearts, cupids arrows where we made q-tip shooters, love cakes where we made pancakes, and we had a valentine's blasters battle!! We had a blast and I can't wait till it's actually Valentine's day!!

my last video - OLD GRANNY Adley & Mom!! Shopping Store play pretend! Grannies bought everything in Dads 5 stores
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my dad's last video - BURiED at PiRATE iSLAND!! Snow Day! Sled on the Slide! Winter Beach Adventure with Niko Adley & Mom
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Bye vlog pshhhhh


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