Thinking Fast and Slow and Lean with John Shook

Описание к видео Thinking Fast and Slow and Lean with John Shook

John Shook, LEI author and senior advisor, takes a quick look at the essentials of lean thinking and practice, especially key aspects that are misunderstood or that deserve greater emphasis. Then, he digs into the connections between lean and the reasoning in Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and Slow, drawing connections among Kahneman’s book, popular lean management books, and other Lean Talks presentations.

Failure to appreciate our fast and slow thinking systems is the reason why we skip the most important part of the problem-solving methodology – reflection – and a big reason why continuous improvement efforts stall, according to David Verble, author and LEI faculty member. His two-part article, Be a Better Coach; Learn to “Force” Reflection, begins next week.


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