What is Access to HE?

Описание к видео What is Access to HE?

Visit http://www.ocnlondon.org.uk for more information:

Access to Higher Education Diploma courses are designed to provide the underpinning knowledge and skills needed to progress to a degree or diploma course in higher education.

Courses enable adults who do not have the necessary level 3 qualifications (such as 'A' levels) required to enter higher education to acquire the Access to HE Diploma, which is equivalent in standard to these qualifications.

OCN London is an Access Validating Agency (AVA) for the recognition and approval of Access to Higher Education Diplomas within the national framework managed by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) www.accesstohe.ac.uk.

This film was made with support from the following OCN London member and affiliate centres:
Birkbeck, University of London,
City and Islington College
Morley College
St George's University of London
Westminster Kingsway College



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