RandomMe Presents: Y Pedwer Ydd Gwir - Y Hanes O S4C / True Fourth - the History of S4C

Описание к видео RandomMe Presents: Y Pedwer Ydd Gwir - Y Hanes O S4C / True Fourth - the History of S4C

Rydych chi'n dweud eich bod chi eisiau datganoli? Fe wnaeth y Cymry, pan grëwyd pedwaredd sianel yn gynnar yn yr wythdegau, ac arweiniodd hynny at greu Channel Four Cymru - S4C, a ddathlodd ei phen-blwydd yn ddeugain y diwrnod cyn yr upstart Saesneg israddol amlwg. Nodwedd arbennig gan RandomMe ar hanes y 4 arall, yr un lle mae pawb yn siarad o chwith ac mae llawer o rygbi.

You say you want a devolution? The Welsh did when a fourth channel was created in the early eighties, and that led to the creation of Sianel Pedwar Cymru - S4C, which celebrated its fortieth anniversary the day before the obviously inferior English upstart. A special feature from RandomMe on the history of the other 4, the one where everyone talks backwards and there's a lot of rugby.



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