First impressions of WILLEMSTAD, capital of CURACAO

Описание к видео First impressions of WILLEMSTAD, capital of CURACAO

Hi everyone! This is episode six of my Dutch Caribbean series, in which I travel to Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire. In this video, I am in Willemstad, the capital of Curacao.

This is the first of a few videos featuring the Curacao capital. In this episode, I explore the Punda neighbourhood and what it has to offer the tourist. The video starts with me approaching the waterfront on the Otrobanda side of Queen Emma Bridge, looking towards the Handelskade in Punda. I talk about what it means for me to visit this legendary and colourful Caribbean city, especially with a first name of Willem!

I briefly show the location of Willemstad and Curacao on maps painted on a wall in Willemstad. You will see lots of art throughout this video, but I thought these particular works of art will help to orientate you and show where I actually find myself.

Curacao is one of the so-called ABC Islands of the Dutch Caribbean - in fact, it it the largest of the three both in terms of geographic size and population. I also explain the meaning behind the flag of Curacao, in particular pointing out the two stars on the flag that represent Big Curacao and Little Curacao ("Klein Curacao").

I then enter the Queen Emma Bridge connecting the neighbourhoods of Otrobanda and Punda and talk about some of the history of the island and of Willemstad.

After crossing the bridge into Punda, I notice the love locks and some interesting monuments, as well as (of course) the impressive Dutch colonial buildings. Then I start going for a casual stroll in various parts of the city to find out if it does justice to the travel brochure explanation of it being the most colourful place in the Caribbean.

Once I walked around various parts and exploring several squares and markets, I stop for a bite to eat. I order two pastechis - chicken and cheese - and give my verdict. With my stomach filled, I then venture to the streets again to stroll around and provide commentary and first impressions.

Finally, I stop at a supermarket to buy some local soft drinks and test them out. Whilst doing so, I have an interesting interaction with a local man.

I hope you enjoy this first taste of Willemstad! In upcoming videos, I will explore more of this incredible place.

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Happy exploring!



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