City Council Meeting 6/3/2024

Описание к видео City Council Meeting 6/3/2024

City Council Agenda
City Council - Regular Session
June 3, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Mayo Civic Center - Suite 112
30 Civic Center Dr SE

Pledge of Allegiance
Vision, Principles, and Priorities for the City of Rochester

A. Open Comment Period
View the open comment period guidelines online.
A.1. Sign-up In Person 30 Minutes before the meeting. View Open Comment guidelines for
additional ways to participate. Virtual participation is not available at this time.
B. Call to Order/Roll Call
C. City Administrator's Report
D. Mayor's Report
E. Order of Agenda
F. Consent Agenda
F.1. Minutes for the City Council Meeting of May 20, 2024
Accepting the minutes and video of the May 20, 2024, Council meeting as the official record of
the City Council.
F.2. Accounts Payable for June 3, 2024
Approving the listing of total disbursements for June 3, 2024, in the amount of $11,740,772.47
including investment purchases of $0 and accounts payable of $11,740,772.47.

F.3. 2:00 a.m. On-Sale Liquor Endorsement Renewals
F.4. 2023-25 Collective Bargaining Agreement – International Association of Firefighters,
Local 520
F.5. Historic District Destination Medical Center Funding
F.6. Silver Lake Phase I Park Improvements - Authorization to Bid for Aquatics
F.7. Development Support for a Senior Affordable Housing Project at West Transit Village
F.8. Minnesota Department of Commerce Energy Funding Grant and Agreement with Michaels
Energy to Study the Geothermal Installation for Downtown Building Energy Transition
(DBET) Phase 1 Project No. 1037.
F.9. Eastside Apartments Contribution Recommendation - Diverse and Affordable Housing
F.10. Roadway Name Change: A section of 2nd Ave SW and 7th St SW to Wayne Stillman
Parkway SW
F.11. Termination of Temporary Construction Easement - Butorac Enterprises, Inc.
F.12. Contract Amendment for 2022 Pedestrian Ramps in Various Locations - Project No. J4721
Adopting a Resolution approving the list of recommended on-sale intoxicating liquor license 2:00
a.m. endorsements, subject to submission of all required information, documentation, and fees
for each renewal and full approvals by referral departments.
Adopting a Resolution approving the recommended updates to the collective bargaining
agreement with the International Association of Firefighters, Local 520, for the years 2023-25.
Approving Destination Medical Center (DMC) financial support of up to $5 million for eligible
capital improvements to properties within the historic district.
Authorizing the final design and bidding associated with the aquatics area for Silver Lake Park.
Approving allocation of $3,900,000 of Destination Medical Center (DMC) General State
Infrastructure Aid (GSIA) funds to Aeon for a Senior Affordable Housing project at West Transit
1. Approving the acceptance of a Minnesota Department of Commerce grant of $25,000
under the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program.
2. Approving the incentive agreement with the Minnesota Department of Commerce and
their grant administrator Michaels Energy for disbursement of the funds.
Adopting a Resolution approving the recommended contribution towards the creation of renteroccupied housing for the Eastside Apartments project for $545,926.
1. Approving the renaming of roadway sections of 2nd Ave SW and 7th St SW, in the
proximity of Soldiers Field Veterans Memorial, to Wayne Stillman Parkway SW.
2. Directing the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance for first reading.
Authorizing the termination of two temporary construction easements executed by Butorac
Enterprises, Inc.
1. Authorizing an increase of $67,311.51 in Developer Funds and $53,316 in Americans with
Disability Act (ADA) Transition Plan tax levy contributions resulting in a total project
budget of $428,475.51 for the 2022 Pedestrian Ramps in Various Locations - Project No.
J4721; and
2. Authorizing an amended contract with Ims Contracting, LLC for a new total in the amount
of $372,005.30, for additional pedestrian improvements.

F.13. Contract with WHKS for Sanitary Sewer Extension to Serve Kings Run (KR) Sanitary
Sewer Area KR-02 – Project No. J7853
F.14. Development Agreement with Farmland LLC for Mercy Hill Second
F.15. Utility Connection Agreement with Patrick A. and Denise R. Kinyon, and Benjamin M.
Kinyon - 1427 Oak Ct SE
F.16. Proposed Ordinance Amendments to Rochester Code of Ordinances Chapter 8-5 Tall
Grass and Weeds to align with the new Minnesota State Stature 412.925 Native
F.17. City-Owner Contract: Public Improvements to Serve Century Valley Fourth, Phase 1 -
Project No. J5616
G. Public Hearings
G.1. Final Plat No. CD2024-008PLAT to be known as Mercy Hills Second
1. A contract with WHKS for $127,000, from June 4, 2024, to March 31, 2025, for the design
of the Kings Run Sanitary Sewer Extension to Serve KR-02 - Project No. J7853.
2. Advertisement for bids and scheduling a bid opening once the design is completed for the
Kings Run Sanitary Sewer Extension to Serve KR-02 - Projec


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