Steve Clark Birthday Memory by Lorelei Shellist on A-MUSE-Ment Channel

Описание к видео Steve Clark Birthday Memory by Lorelei Shellist on A-MUSE-Ment Channel

April 23rd is here again. This is for "our Steve," I say "our"Steve because Steve belonged to everybody... and then... he belonged to no one.

I was blessed to share a part of my lifetime with him. He was a treasure and a terror and I loved him anyway. On behalf of my SELF and his adoring fans- YOU! I have edited some old, never seen before, footage I took with the movie camera Steve bought me. Back then everyone hated having a film camera around and so it was challenging for me to get good footage. Everyone was camera shy. My how things have changed! This clip was shot during the Hysteria Tour in 1988. Steve Clark and Phil Collen - backstage - clowning around together. One of their favorite pastime's. The TERROR TWINS forever. The giggles behind the camera were me, Jackie Collen, Phil's 1st wife and Juliana Roberts who was Sav's girlfriend. I miss those days and those women too.

My friend Peter Angel, who is a composer happened to stop by yesterday. I begged him to play Steve's piano and this is what he wrote in the moment.

This is for you. You who continue to light the candles in memory of our dear and darling Steve.

God Bless


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