Hollow Man's Creepiest Scenes

Описание к видео Hollow Man's Creepiest Scenes

Hollow Man's Creepiest Scenes: Watch Sebastian (Kevin Bacon) terrorize Linda (Elisabeth Shue) and his other coworkers in the creepiest scenes from Hollow Man! What’s your favorite Hollow Man scene? Sound off in the comments!
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The thought of human invisibility has intrigued man for centuries. Highly gifted scientist Sebastian Caine develops a serum that induces complete invisibility. His remarkable transformation results in unimaginable power that seems to suffocate his sense of morality and leads to a furious and frightening conclusion.

TM & © Sony. (2000)
Cast: Kevin Bacon, Elisabeth Shue, Josh Brolin, Kim Dickens, Greg Grunberg, Joey Slotnick, William Devane

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